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IGI 4627 Comfort Blend Paraffin Wax
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IGI's 4627 "Comfort Blend" holds the most fragrance of any wax we carry! A fully refined paraffin wax, IGI 4627 can hold 2 oz. of fragrance per pound (57 g/454 g, or 12%), and has excellent hot and cold throw. This wax is very soft and is packaged in a 23 lb bag. This requires no additional additives - just add color and fragrance.

Looking for some inspiration? IGI 4627 is the perfect wax to use to learn how to make marble candles.

For help choosing the right candle wax for your candles, visit our Wax Guide.

Wholesale Ordering
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Wax Properties

Wax Type
Very Soft Block
Opaque, Smooth
Recommended Wick Series
Melt Point
125°F (51.7°C)
Pour Temp
180°F (82.2°C)
Oil Content
Prop 65 Warning


12% or 1.9 oz/lb. (54 g/454 g)
6% or 1.0 oz/lb. (27 g/454 g)


Heat to 185°F (85°C) using a double boiler. Add fragrance or essential oil, remove from heat, and stir for two minutes. Pour at 180°F (82.2°C). Allow candles to cure for five days for optimal fragrance throw.

Product Reviews

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3 out of 5 Stars.
138 reviews
5 out of 5 Stars.
Amazing Candle Adventure
Casmere Woods 2024-09-15

Ok guys, so this is my first round of candle making ever and I am pleasantly surprised! It is very much easy if you follow clear directions per preferred wax. I am officially a IGI 4627 fan and I love everything about this wax. I tried 4 different candles just to see how they would come out. I made 2 in ceramic 4oz jars. 1 in a round globe mold. And 1 in a very thick floral soap mold. Upon melting wax and adding fragrance. I made a formula based on wax information, candle science youtube videos, and current reviews on IGI 4627 wax. I did exactly as all directions stated and they came out well. All candles have a great cold throw (i am also learning the candle terms, lol) I lit the first 4oz candle after about 4 hours and it was so great, the hot throw filled the whole room. The second candle is the snow globe mold. (Mind you this wax is very soft so not great for mold, but I still wanted to try.) I lit it the following afternoon and it was intoxicating. The smell is still lingering around, since it is soft, i saved jars from b&bw and put the globe in the 16oz jar and it melted beautifully. No smoke no soot or black stuff. Although it says to cure 2-3 days or a couple of weeks, I think these candles are ready to burn. I am actually saving the other 4oz candle to cure in a couple of days to see the difference. The soap bar is soft and pretty and I just want to keep it like that lol. Just have fun and follow those directions given with ur wax. What works for me is 1lb/2oz wax/FO. There are boiling points and pouring points for a reason. I can't wait to my 16oz jars comes in. I use a regular wick ordered from another site and I love those too. I am not familiar with wick sizing just yet. The FO I used was Magnolia Peony and it smells delightful. Also used for the soap mold and now I want to make soaps lol. Thanks candle science it was fun and what an Adventure to keep up.

5 out of 5 Stars.
Oldschool Fav
Riss 2024-01-04

This wax is an oldschool fav. That being said, I am in love with mp-117 more. This wax has a unique look as it is very similar to Vaseline in texture. It takes a whopper of a wick though so be prepared to wick up and use hot wicks. I used to use zinc core but I would have to double wick the smallest of containers to accommodate the cool wicks. Yes, it has a lower melt-point and 10% FO load (which should never be needed). The rec. wick through the manufacturer is HTP, though CS recs LX (maybe because they don't stock HTP?). A 3-in-diameter container needs a HUGE LX wick. Without fragrance, I nearly top out with the LX wicks....with only a few sizes left over to compensate for FO and other additives.
After making a few candles, I decided against this wax and am keeping with mp-117 from CS and coconut wax from another supplier because CS doesn't carry it. I will just add pillar wax to this 4627 and create melts or votives...

5 out of 5 Stars.
Great scent throw
Tara D 2023-11-26

Beware it is messy, just be prepared. So far I have used it on 3 batches 3 different scents and it has been great.

4 out of 5 Stars.
Great Hot throw, Can't seem to wick correctly to save my life
Brandi Green 2023-08-31

Can you please assist me in wicking the 9 oz. Straight jar and an 8oz/12 oz. Aura jar? I've followed all the instructions and using the recommended LX wicks, they will not burn clean. It is either to hot or not hot enough. Soot is insane and makes for a dirty candle.

I was successful wicking my larger jars, however , they still have a lot of soot. Please help! I have an event coming up.

I'm having similar issues with 6006, if you can send me recommendations for the exact same jars listed above.

5 out of 5 Stars.
Great Hot Throw
MEH 2023-01-06

Okay...yes...this is a mess to work with...BUT the hot throw is awesome. I freaked out because at first the CT seemed non existent...the next day was a WOW. Waited a week to burn and the HT is amazing. I normally wait 2-3 weeks befor I burn any candles I make. I use LX wicks. I have no issues with glass adherence or tunneling. I heat to 185 to 190. I add fragrance at 185 then stir for 2 minutes and pour between 165 and 175. I use CS 3 wick jars primarily because of an open floor plan in my house.