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Getting Started with AAK 444 Soy Wax


Hi, everyone.

I'm Kevin with CandleScience.

Here to share some tips and best practices for working with AAK's 444 soy wax.

444 is a soy container wax like its cousin 464. However, 444 offers a few differences that may better suit your particular candle making needs.

Let's take a look at some things to keep in mind when you're getting started working with 444 soy wax. 


444 wax is slightly harder and has a higher melting point than 464.

Ranging from 119 to 125 degrees Fahrenheit versus 113 to 119 for 464 wax.

This wax can be a good option if you need to make sure your candles won't soften or melt in warmer weather.

Like with 464 and other soy waxes, use a double boiler or designated candle melter to protect your wax from scorching or burning.

Don't be alarmed if the wax begins to clump together. This is normal, and you can break up the clumps with your stirring utensil.

Before you get started, be sure to only use fragrance that has been approved for use in candles.


Like 464 wax, 444 has a maxed fragrance hold of 10% or 1.6 ounces per pound of wax.

However, we recommend starting at a 6% fragrance load which is one ounce per pound.

Remember, more fragrance does not necessarily result in a stronger scent throw, and too much fragrance may
contribute to burning issues.


For optimal scent throw, we recommend adding your fragrance once your wax has reached 185 degrees.

Removing the wax from the heat source and stirring gently for one to two minutes will also help ensure the fragrance evenly bonds with the wax.


Your wick choice impacts multiple aspects of your candle.

As with 464 wax, we recommend the CD wick series and ECO series. For more information, refer to our wick guide to help choose the best wick for your candles. The pouring temperature can affect the finished look of your candles.


We recommend starting at a pouring temperature of 135 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you experience rough or bumpy tops in your finished candles, try pouring higher-- at around 150.

As always, you may have to experiment a bit to find the pour temp. that produces the best results for you.

A heat gun is also an easy fix to help correct the occasional surface imperfection.


Compared to 464, we have noticed that 444 can be slightly more prone to frosting.

Frosting is a normal occurrence, and will not affect the burning or the fragrance of your candle.

But to lessen the effect of frosting, you can try preheating your jars and glassware before pouring. You can also use opaque containers like candle tents, and avoid coloring your candles to make any frosting that does occur less noticeable.

For ideal results, we recommend allowing your soy candles to cure for two weeks.

This will help your candles to maximize their fragrance throw.

We hope that we've been able to answer your questions regarding 444 soy wax, but if you have additional questions or need any more support, please feel free to reach out to us.

We are always here to help.