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Coconut Lime Fragrance Oil
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Ingredient notes

This fragrance contains gamma-terpinene.

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If you like Piña Coladas, you’ll love this creamy, citrus scent. Coconut Lime fragrance oil is the ultimate summer refresher and captures the feeling of being on a tropical island with a frozen drink in hand. We’ve made subtle enhancements to this scent to increase the hot throw, balanced the lime and coconut notes, and added an additional splash of cream. Perfect for a summer line of candles, wax melts, and tarts, this scent also brings a tropical island vibe to soaps, lotions, and scrubs.

This fragrance oil is infused with natural essential oils, including lime oil, sweet orange, clove bud, citronella, sesame seed, and fenugreek.

Blends well with: Mango and Coconut Milk, Jamaica Me Crazy, Very Vanilla, Watermelon

Alternate branding ideas: Piña Colada, Lime In The Coconut

Suggested colors: Lime Green, Light Green, Ivory

See our complete list of candle making dyes and soap colorants.


Soy Performance
3 of 3
187°F (86°C)
Vanillin Content
2.01% - 5%
This product is Phthalate Free
This product is not Prop 65 Warning Required

Recommended Applications

This product is Candle Safe usage: 3.0% - 10.0%
This product is Bar Soap Safe usage: 2.0% - 6.0%
This product is Liquid Soap Safe usage: 0.5% - 6.0%
This product is Lotion Safe usage: 0.5% - 2.0%
This product is Room Spray Safe usage: 0.5% - 10.0%
This product is Perfume Safe usage: 10.0% - 25.0%
This product is not Diffuser Base Approved
Usage amounts are recommendations only. Individual usage amounts can vary based on your desired fragrance strength, wax type, soap base, or lotion base. See IFRA certificate for max usage levels. Bottles filled by weight, levels may vary.

Cold Process Soap Performance


Lye Water Temperature 110ºF (43.3°C)
Oil Temperature 120ºF (48.9°C)

We experienced a moderate amount of acceleration and a slight amount of ricing. After just a few quick pulses of the stick blender, we achieved a medium trace. We hand stirred to confirm the oils and water were well mixed. We saw that the batter was becoming grainy and some ricing was visible. We quickly scraped the batter into the mold and tamped it down on the counter to minimize any air pockets. After 24 hours we found the soap was slightly harder than is typical; while the bars cut cleanly and there was no cracking or crumbling, we had to use more force to get the soap cutter through the loaf than we usually do. We observed that the soap gelled throughout the loaf except for the very edges of each corner. The soap discolored to a pinkish tan around the edges while the center discolored yellow. The scent was quite strong and true to the out-of-bottle character. After 30 days, the scent was still strong but a lot of the citrus had faded and a sweet coconut scent remained. The bars discolored a uniform tan shade.

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Product Reviews

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5 out of 5 Stars.
11 reviews
5 out of 5 Stars.
Jenna Bukowski 2024-09-01

That "creamy" note they describe is spot one! This is THE fragrance. Everyone always stops by my table to either compliment the smell or buy it! Great on its own and sometimes its fun to blend with other fragrances.

5 out of 5 Stars.
Coconut Lime
annette summers 2024-07-29

Love this scent, but my colors did not turn out, the white turned brown, how can i fix this for the next batch?

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CandleScience responded: 2024-07-30

Hi there!

Thanks for leaving your review. We'd love to better help, so one of our support agent has reached out to further help out!

5 out of 5 Stars.
Coconut Lime
Christine 2024-02-12

A favorite of all my friends

5 out of 5 Stars.
A customer favorite!
Rachel C 2023-11-27

I work at a gift shop on the Big Island of Hawaii and I sell small, 2 ounce bars of homemade soap. I offer 4 different fragrances (all candle science scents) and the coconut lime sells significantly faster than the other aromas I offer. Everyone loves the smell of all the soaps I have for sale, but coconut lime is the first to sell out time after time. Today, I even had a local customer come in just to buy more! I can't keep this fragrance stocked fast enough, it's the quintessential Hawaiian scent.

5 out of 5 Stars.
Smells wonderful!
Nina 2023-08-08

This scent strikes me as not only tropical but clean. Great scent! Absolutely I’m love.